The seven (empirically-derived) components of our Portrait of a Deeper Learning Leader are as follows:
1. Living the Vision
2. Authenticity and Agency in Learning
3. Trusting Teachers as Creative Professionals
4. Openness to New Approaches and Tools
5. Over-Communicating Change
6. Restlessness Toward Equity
7. Courage to Live Outside the Norm
We will unpack these seven leadership components through the use of specific examples from innovative inquiry- and problem-based learning schools around the world. We will engage in multiple iterative cycles in which we examine an example school and then connect specific leadership behaviors and support structures to desired learner and school outcomes. We will do 4-6 cycles on different topics, depending on pace of conversation.
5 minutes - session introduction / small group formation
80 minutes - discussion of provided school examples, dissection of key leadership behaviors and support structures, participant ideation around local practice and action step
5 minutes - wrap-up
Richardson, J. W., Bathon, J. M., & McLeod, S. (2021). Leadership for deeper learning: Facilitating school innovation and transformation. New York, NY: Routledge.