Participants will walk away with knowledge of HOW to assess STEM using robotics. VEX GO is just a tool that participants can learn HOW to assess through. With this in mind, participants can use ANY robotics tool to assess STEM with. Participants will be given access to pictures and journal entries from students on assessment and how it applies in an elementary classroom. Participants will also have networking time to meet with Anna and network with other teachers at the poster presentation.
For this poster session, I will allow participants to first see my poster. I will have the competition field, robot and other robotics with me so participants can hold and try out VEX GO. I will have hand outs and a QR code where educators can get examples and materials to implement this assessment in their own classroom.
Research on Using VEX with elementary students:
Research on Why Teach Robotics:
Research on How Robotics Empower Learners:
Research on How Robotics Improve Student Feedback: