Snapshots are a pairing of two 20 minute presentations followed by a 5 minute Q & A.
This is presentation 1 of 2, scroll down to see more details.
Other presentations in this group:
We believe that the most important of the 21st century skills is the learning skill. Thus we developed this program, focused on reminding students in the tweens and teens, that learning can be fun, interesting, joyful and an actual interest. This works because of their choices, our (the teachers') choices, and the fact that we choose topics that are not connected to the normal school curriculum. The program is simple to imply, and brings so much joy to school, for both faculty and students, we just have to share it! So more schools can adopt this idea.
Our school is 3 years old. On our first year we had only 7th grade, on our 2nd year we had 7th-8th, and this year, when we have 9th grade, we opened the program to them and offered them the opportunity to run their own interest-based-learning-club. They just love it, and this is a constant conversation in school.
The presentation starts with an introduction to the love of learning, then an interactive session aimed at demonstrating how easy it is to find this "interest club" we would love to run.
I will describe the culture of our school and the PD session that gave birth to this program. Then I will explain how it became a reality, and what a school needs for this to become an integral program.
I will show photos and videos from club sessions and interviews with students and teachers.
There will be time for Q&A at the end.
Materials will be translated to English.