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Robotics Exploratorium

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Playground B

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Bloomsburg Area School District
Cleverlike Studios, Inc.
Cleverlike Studios, Inc.
With a lifelong passion for technology and education, Brian has combined them both to create a company that is innovating technology education. His business career has journeyed through multiple successful startups, bringing innovative software and services to market. His experience as an educator ranges from cutting edge video training to the creation of technology camps for kids in addition to teaching in the high school classroom. Today, his company is both a video game publisher and creator of some of the most successful educational content for popular video game platforms including Minecraft, Fortnite and Unreal Engine.
Cleverlike Studios, Inc.
Instructional Technology Integration Specialist
Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski has spent time in education teaching both students and adults how to embrace technology, STEM and Computer Science as tools for learning. Working with all sized learners (PreK to adults), she aims to demystify CS concepts as well as get students to engage in learning enthusiastically. She is passionate about aviation, electronics, robotics, programming and 3D design. This passion is illustrated by her management of projects developed for and utilized in iCreate STEM, a technology-focused STEM/CS program out of NEIU 19 Technology Department and her leadership roles in NEPA STEM Ecosystem and PA Statewide STEM Ecosystem (PSSE).
Technology Education Teacher
Bloomsburg Area High School
As a Technology Education teacher from Bloomsburg Area High School, I have embraced the opportunities that combative robots have provided my engineering program. By using advanced problem solving techniques, 3D modeling software, 3D printers and CNC equipment, teams from this small, rural, school have won 4 National Championships, 5 Best Engineered Robots Awards and numerous 2nd – 4th place finishes at the national level.
Science/STEM teacher
Carbondale Area
Samantha Masco is a Science and STEM educator in the Carbondale Area School District. Samantha created a STEM program within the Junior/Senior High School as well as played a key role in developing a STEM Action Plan for the district.
Coordinator of Innovation & Special Proj
Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11
STEM teacher
Carbondale Area
Bloomsburg Area School District
IT Operations
Coordinator of Educational Technology
Tuscarora Intermediate Unit
Eric Yoder is the Coordinator of Educational Technology at Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 in Central Pennsylvania. Along with educational technology, he supports K-12 STEM and CS, with a particular focus on bringing physical computing and digital fabrication into classrooms. He is a former middle school language arts teacher, where he discovered his love of ed tech through digital storytelling. Outside of work, he can generally be found tending bees or building hive equipment in his workshop.

Session description

Come one, come all to the Robotics Exploratorium! Learn how incorporating robotics into learning can engage your students and deepen their knowledge all while increasing their 21st-century skills. See experts demo different robots in action! Mini hands-on sessions as well as demonstrations will rotate two times each hour.

Purpose & objective

Our objective for the Robotics Exploratorium is to provide a platform for experienced educators that utilize robotics of all types in their classrooms. In addition, we are creating a space where attendees of the conference can actually use different robots and get a participatory experience with them.

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We will have up to 6 options for attendees that switch every half hour. Attendees will be able to choose from among several demonstrations, hands on activities and learning areas all facilitated by educators who use robots during the learning process.

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Supporting research


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Session specifications

Professional learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
none needed - everything attendees need to be able to access the hands on portions of the Exploratorium will be provided
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
  • Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.
  • Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology.