Assistant Director of Coaching Programs
Brooke serves as the Assistant Director of Coaching Programs at Forward Edge. She facilitates coaching certification cohors for organizations in multiple states, spearheads the Forward Edge Coach Mentorship Program, and is the primary facilitator of the EDU Coach Network. Prior to her current role she was an Instructional Design Coach for a Pre-K- 12th grade public school district and a former middle school teacher.
Session description
Instructional Coaches are responsible for facilitating the growth of nearly every educator in their building and district, but where do COACHES GO TO GROW? Right here! Through coaching mentorship, we provide a coach for every coach- impacting education through coaches so that teachers can teach confidently and students can achieve!
Purpose & objective
Attendees will walk away with more information about the Coach Mentorship Program through Forward Edge and be able to specifically answer the question: How can a mentor coach help you? Learn why others coach and connect with a network of coaches nationwide.
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Content and Activities: ISTE Seal of Alignment Poster Session
Time: 1 Hour
Process: Peer-to-peer interaction
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Supporting research
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