Event Information
Aeromantenimiento S.A. (Aeroman) is the company entrusted with aircraft maintenance in El Salvador. The company provides services to different airlines such as JetBlue Airways Corp. In an interview with Eng. Bosco Rico, JetBlue Project Manager in El Salvador, shared that accidents have occurred during the inspection of fuel tanks, such as fainting from chemical exposure and panic attacks due to the confined space. The question arises: Is there a solution that can make fuel tank cleaning safer?
To address this issue, we propose using a co-bot that can assist the employee in cleaning the airplane fuel tank. This robot would be equipped with a camera to facilitate visibility for the employee to look inside the tank, a lamp to illuminate the enclosed, dark, and narrow space, and modules to clean the tank during its movement. This co-bot aims to automate the cleaning process and prevent future accidents.
Our team encountered several challenges while working on the virtual scenario. Initially, we found it difficult to use Miranda - the software where we programmed our robot. We faced issues such as work getting erased and not knowing how to add figures, move them, or adjust their size. However, with the assistance of our robotics teacher, we learned to use the software effectively. While programming, we made several mistakes, such as the robot going over the tank instead of inside it. To solve these issues, we began using coordinates, which allowed for exact number-based movement tracking.
Furthermore, another challenge was using blocks different from the ones we used in VexcodeVR. However, we overcame these difficulties with practice and the Ethinking program. Although it was challenging to program the robot, especially with Miranda being a new software for us, we eventually achieved our final result and applied our technological skills in practice.
The implementation of such a solution would enhance cleaning processes in companies such as JetBlue, Avianca, Delta, American Airlines, and others by reducing costs and saving work time. Moreover, it would significantly improve prevention measures against respiratory diseases. The efficacy of this solution was demonstrated in El Salvador, and it is highly apparent that its impact will be significant on a global level.
Also, another challenge was using different blocks than the ones we used in VexcodeVR. However, we overcome these difficulties with practice and the Ethinking program. Although it was a challenge to program the robot, especially since Miranda was new software for us, we finally achieved the final result and applied our technological skills in practice. We demonstrate this through the Lidera Award competition. In this event we competed against 60 schools and our proposal was selected among the 5 best proposals. Later, after a defense of the project, we won first place in the robotics research category
Introduction - minute 1
Problem description: we will ask the audience questions and have a simulator to show the answers - minute 2
Solution (why, design, programming): we will have our programming so that people can interact with it - minute 3 and 4
Conclusion (how technology is applied to the knowledge of students) - minute 5
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Aeronautics Manual
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Recognized Expert
Eng. Bosco Rico, JetBlue Project Manager in El Salvador
Aeromantenimiento S.A. (Aeroman) the company entrusted with aircraft maintenance in El Salvador