
Using Minecraft to Level the Playing Field

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Listen and learn : Snapshot

Snapshots are a pairing of two 20 minute presentations followed by a 5 minute Q & A.
This is presentation 1 of 2, scroll down to see more details.

Other presentations in this group:

Spencer Lunsford  

Explore how Minecraft allows students of all abilities and backgrounds to show what they know and how it promotes equitable outcomes. See how Minecraft's building/mining features allow students to start from a common point and create an opportunity for everyone to achieve.

Audience: Coaches, Library media specialists, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices not needed
Participant accounts, software and other materials: MinecraftEDU and account at is helpful.
Topic: Games for learning & gamification
Grade level: PK-12
Subject area: Social studies, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Educators:
  • Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
For Students:
Innovative Designer
  • Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
Disclosure: The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session
Influencer Disclosure: This session includes a presenter that indicated a “material connection” to a brand that includes a personal, family or employment relationship, or a financial relationship. See individual speaker menu for disclosure information.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

Teachers will be shown how Minecraft can eliminate the inequity of resources in creating projects for students to interact with during their learning. Even though "mining" is a destructive practice, the entire platform of Minecraft is built on everyone having the same possible outcomes due to equity of resources.


5 min - Intro
10 min - Exploring equity in Minecraft through a showcase of the program
5 min - Closing with Minecraft education website (

Supporting research

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Spencer Lunsford, OPL/Santa Rosa County School District

Spencer is a Teacher on Special Assignment, currently working for the district as an Instructional Technology Specialist. In this position, he is available for teachers that want help in transforming their classroom instruction through the integration of technology. He is here to support teachers by doing the research for them, planning a lesson so they can see the final product, and providing continuing support throughout the year. Spencer's plan is to make the jobs of the teachers in Santa Rosa County Schools easier, not just give them more “stuff” to implement.