
Gobs of Goodies From Google (& Other Stuff That Plays Well With Google)

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Participate and share : Interactive lecture

Dr. Wanda Terral  
Teachers of any subject or grade level will leave with dozens of ideas for using Google tools (and some non-Google resources) for increasing creativity, productivity, collaboration and communication. A thorough file of all resources will be shared so you can explore in more detail later, at your convenience.

Audience: Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators, Library media specialists
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials: Attendees will benefit most by having a Google account which will allow them to explore the resources and how they operate in their own account. This will also give them the ability to make their own copy of the Google Doc resource and make notes on it as the session proceeds. Attendees without a Google account will still be able to view the resource and use the hyperlinks to explore the various tools.
Topic: Online tools, apps & resources
Grade level: PK-12
ISTE Standards: For Coaches:
Digital Age Learning Environments
  • Maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources for teacher and student use in technology-rich learning environments.
Content Knowledge and Professional Growth
  • Engage in continual learning to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current and emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement the ISTE Standards •S and ISTE Standards •T.
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

Google tools (and those that play well in the Google ecosystem) have given teachers and students a core set of tools for supporting creation, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Hidden inside these products are hundreds of features, tips, and tricks that can supercharge educators and learners. Add to that collection, apps and extensions that have utilized Google open platform and you have Gobs of Goodies!

The contents of this session are constantly in flux. The session resource was born in 2015 and is updated prior to each instance of the session. This allows the resources shared to be a mix of the latest & greatest with many old standards. Being cool and flashy doesn't make it goody. A tool or resource needs to help teachers purposefully integrate the tool into their lessons while also addressing ISTE Standards. And, if it helps teachers save time, all the better!

There is no way all goodies can be shared in one session but everyone gets access to the full Google Doc resource to explore at their convenience. Not only that, by using the short URL, they have an open subscription to return and get the latest version at any time.

While the presentation document hasn't been updated for this event as of yet, you can see the general structure here - Attendees in the past have reported leaving with tools and ideas they can immediately take back and use right away.

The session begins by getting attendees to make their own copy of the document so they can take notes, particularly who they would like to share certain resources with. Making this connection from the beginning puts attendees in a frame of mind that gets them thinking about how to use each tool or technique to solve problems they are trying to solve in their own school.


The first topic covered is Google Search. Each time I do this session, I'm tempted to remove Google Search tips. After all, we all use Google Search. When I'm done with the section on Google Search, I ask attendees if I should leave it in for future sessions. Without a doubt, I am told every time to leave it in.

The session proceeds through the TOP GOODIES on the document. As time allows, some of the HONORABLE MENTION GOODIES are presented. While we don't usually have time to dig into more than that, I always leave some time at the end to see if anyone has a request from resources not yet shared.

Supporting research

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Dr. Wanda Terral, Lakeland School System

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