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Jump Starting Digital Wellness in a K-12 Library Program

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 27

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Library Media Technology Specialist
School District of Milton
Christina Nording is a Library Media Specialist at Milton West Elementary School in Milton, Wisconsin. She was a classroom teacher for 21 years and has been in the LMS role for four years now. She enjoys integrating technology and Makerspace into the curriculum to help support student learning.
Library Media Specialist
Milton East Elementary
@Sheila Wilcox
I am an educator with 28 years experience in the classroom and five as an elementary Library Media Specialist. I have a deep commitment to Future Ready Libraries and to the value of student voice in interactions in our library spaces. Some of my passions include coding and creating in the library and the makerspace. I enjoy collaborating with my colleagues and am excited to continue my journey of learning from others.
Library Media Specialist
School District of Milton
English Teacher/Librarian
School District of Milton

Session description

Are digital wellness and citizenship the same thing? Why should I include digital wellness in my school and library curriculum? What resources can help you create and teach this topic? This session will answer these questions and help librarians support this important life skill in the library and classroom.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this session is to share our district’s journey of implementing digital wellness into our k-12 library programming in addition to supporting teachers within our buildings with this journey as well. The following are the objectives we will be covering:

-Describe the difference between digital citizenship and digital wellness.
-Explain the five elements of digital wellness and how we support and instruct those elements (practice mindfulness, explore learning, think critically, connect positively, and be safe).
-Share out resources to help you create and teach this topic in a k-12 district within your library setting.
-Explain how the PBS Media Literacy Educator program helps support our district’s digital wellness program.
-Share out approaches we used to help support classrooms with digital wellness.
-Describe how the ISTE Standards align with digital wellness elements.

After our presentation, participants will walk away with digital resources, lessons and activities they can use with their students and teachers in their school district. An example of activities, dress up days to celebrate Digital Wellness during National Library Week. In addition, we will share a curated list of children’s books that support each of the five elements of digital wellness for your library program or classroom integration.

Evidence of success will be both student and teacher videos explaining their educational journey this year in the area of digital wellness. We will also share examples of student work that has been created with the support of district Library Media Specialists.

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The content presented will define digital wellness and the five elements, how digital wellness connects to the ISTE standards, examples of lessons used within the library setting to instruct our students, as well as student work and ways we support classrooms. We will also share lessons and student creations developed while participating in the PBS digital literacy cohort supporting digital wellness. All resources will be digital and participants will receive scannable cards with all the materials and resources.
Each of the five objectives stated above should take no more than five to ten minutes to address. There will be a video of student work and thoughts about digital wellness running throughout the presentation which will also be made available to those who are attending to view at a later time.
We plan to engage our audience using various formats of media such as peer-to-peer interactions, QR Codes, and videos created of student work and thoughts about digital wellness. At the end, there will be an opportunity for participants to play a game-based learning activity using a device to check their new knowledge.

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Supporting research

Digital Wellness Institute

Google Digital Well Being

Creative SEL
Using Hands-On Projects to Boost Social-Emotional Learning
By Michele Haiken and Mark Gura

Developing Digital Detectives
Essential Lessons for Discerning Fact From Fiction in the 'Fake News' Era
By Jennifer LaGarde and Darren Hudgins

Digital Citizenship in Action
Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities
By Kristen Mattson

Digital Citizenship in Schools, Third Edition
Nine Elements All Students Should Know
By Mike Ribble

Digital Citizenship And WellBeing Action Plan

3 Tips To Balance Digital Wellness

Resource for families:

More [+]

Session specifications

Digital citizenship
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Common Sense Media,
Interland - Online game,
Nearpod Digital Citizenship Lessons
Internet Awesome & Pear Deck
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Model digital citizenship by critically evaluating online resources, engaging in civil discourse online and using digital tools to contribute to positive social change.
For Educators:
  • Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
For Students:
Digital Citizen
  • Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.