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Esports Season Zero: Making Something From Nothing

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 109AB

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Snapshots are a pairing of two 20 minute presentations followed by a 5 minute Q & A.
This is presentation 1 of 2, scroll down to see more details.

Other presentations in this group:


Director of Operations
ISTE Certified Educator
Becky Keene’s current role is Director of Operations at insight2execution, an education consultancy based in the United States. She works with a team of managers to deliver content for worldwide edtech companies as well as professional learning specialists, training engagements, and implementation planning for systemic change with major school systems around the United States.

Session description

If you're interested in getting started with esports but don't know where to start, this session is for you! Learn how to launch teams, mentor students and build a program with the technology you already have available. From clubs to curriculum, esports has a place in every school.

Purpose & objective

Many teachers want to get started with esports because they see the excitement in their students, they've heard it's a great way to involve kids, and they don't know where to start. Post-pandemic, many of our schools have great computer ratios, but they don't have gaming devices, computer labs, or fancy hardware. They also might not realize they don't need any of these things to get started!

During this session, participants will receive straightforward examples of how to start an esports program from nothing but what they already have in their classes. Using free licensing for Minecraft: Education Edition and Rocket League, students can use any device at school to play together without additional cost.

Attendees will also learn how to recruit students, communicate with parents, gain IT support, and run practices. They will also receive free access to esports resources such as the ISTE Standards for Game Based Learning and the i2esports playbook. Finally, attendees will learn how skills practiced in esports programs lead to future careers (not just in the gaming industry) and how to mentor students on their career pathway.

Teachers need support as esports coaches. This session helps them get started in the right direction and provides follow-up resources for future needs.

Participants will:
- Identify titles and platforms already available in their own school systems
- Learn how to communicate the power of esports to key stakeholders (IT, parents)
- Review recruitment methods
- Explore positive coaching models
- Receive electronic resources to support an esports program launch
- Brainstorm career pathways based on skills developed in an esports program

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1. Presenter will establish the importance of esports in education, as a part of the school's offering for student involvement and as a career pathway (5 min)
2. Presenter will share a step-by-step process for the decision making tree for getting started with an esports program, including which title, hardware, network support, and personnel are required to make the program successful (15 min)
3. Presenter will demonstrate two potential free titles, Minecraft: Education Edition and Rocket League, and their use in any platform (5 min)
4. Participants will access free resources and review the contents and how they can be applied to their school system immediately together (5 min)

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Supporting research

Video Games and Well-being, a book by Dr. Rachel Kowert: This book examines how video game mechanics and narratives can teach players skills associated with increased psychological well-being.

MissHarvey (Stephanie Harvey) talks diversity and inclusion initiatives in esports plus cyber-citizenship:

International Journal of Esports: Sportification of Esports - A systematization of sport-teams entering the esports ecosystem. This article reviews three cases to show the potential struggle in joining esports and why sports need to establish a strategy for entering esports.

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
None required
Subject area:
Career and technical education
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Innovative Designer
  • Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
Creative Communicator
  • Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session