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Modeling Technology Use for Candidates: Design Principles for Technology-Infused Preparation Programs

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 121BC

Lecture presentation
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Research papers are a pairing of two 18 minute presentations followed by 18 minutes of Discussion led by a Discussant, with remaining time for Q & A.
This is presentation 2 of 2, scroll down to see more details.

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Eastern Michigan University
ISTE Certified Educator
Michael McVey is a professor of educational technology at Eastern Michigan University and also serves on the ISTE Board of Directors as Treasurer. McVey began as a k-12 teacher and has taught in Canada, Tucson, Arizona, and Japan. He has a chapter in "Championing Technology Infusion in Teacher Prep" (ISTE, 2020).
Ball State University
Jon M. Clausen is an Associate Professor of educational technology and secondary education at Ball State University Teachers College. He has served as chair of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education’s (AACTE) Committee on Innovation and Technology, teaches educational technology courses, and is coordinator for the educational technology programs. Dr. Clausen’s areas of research have focused on technology integration and infusion within teacher education. This includes developing instructional contexts that support faculty, PK12 educators, and candidate technology use.
Associate Professor
National Louis University
Dr. Angela Elkordy is an Associate Professor at the National College of Education, National Louis University, Chicago, IL. She is the Founding Director of the Learning Sciences graduate program and served as the Director of Learning Technologies for many years. Dr. Elkordy loves her work teaching in-service teachers and school leaders about cognition and learning, teaching as a design science, instructional technologies, leadership, and research methods. She is the lead author of Design Ed: Connecting Learning Sciences Research to Practice, an ISTE publication (2019) that makes impactful findings of the learning sciences accessible for educators to use in their practice.
Co-author: Dr. Yi Jin

Session description

This session shares the findings from our integrative literature review on how teacher educators model technology use for teacher candidates. Our team thoroughly screened and analyzed relevant literature published in the last decade. We will share our key findings, directions for future research and implications for practice with our audiences.


Foulger (2020) defined technology infusion as “A program-deep and program-wide approach within a teacher preparation program to help teacher candidates learn how to leverage technology in their future teaching (i.e., in PK-12 classrooms)” (p. 6). Building capacity for technology infusion requires consideration of many organizational factors including the design of coursework and instructional practices of faculty (Clausen, 2020). A technology-infused teacher preparation program (TPP) embeds technology use throughout all aspects of a teacher candidate's experiences while in their program. This includes providing models of practice in their participation in university coursework, methods courses, practicum, and student teaching experiences. Key stakeholders throughout the process of learning to teach with technology are teacher educators.

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This study utilized an integrative literature review methodology (Russel, 2005; Torraco, 2005). Data collection and analysis followed the six-step procedures of integrative review: 1) formulate purpose and/or review question, 2) search and select literature, 3) quality appraisal, 4) analysis and synthesis, 5) discussion and conclusion, and 6) dissemination of findings (Toronto & Remington, 2020). The authors first decided on the research purpose and established search and inclusion criteria. The authors initially screened 668 papers. A secondary review using inclusion criteria narrowed the search to 64 selected articles for analysis. These articles were published between 2012 to 2022 and examine how teacher educators model technology use. During the analysis and synthesis phase, the 64 included studies were analyzed and classified using the thematic synthesis process for literature review. More specifically, both deductive and inductive thematic analyses were used (Braun & Clark, 2006). For each study, a researcher read the full text and coded the study, using predetermined codes created during the initial literature review. Then, the researchers 1) abstracted the findings into common themes, 2) explored how the themes relate to each other, 3) integrated themes into a coherent whole, and 4) refined and refocused (Cronin & George, 2020).

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Our results showed that ample empirical evidence demonstrated modeling’s positive impacts. Nevertheless, modeling alone is insufficient to support teacher candidates in designing and teaching content-specific and technology-integrated instructions. Furthermore, there exist disparities in the quantity and quality of faculty’s and cooperating teachers’ modeling practices. Overall, these results underscore a more holistic approach to designing learning experiences that model technology integration. Thus, we summarized four design principles and 25 implementation strategies used by faculty and cooperating teachers, and the competencies teacher educators should exemplify as role models. We will share these design principles and implementation strategies, as well as directions for future research and implications for practice, with our audiences.

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Utilizing both the program-wide and program-deep aspects of the technology infusion approach asks every teacher education stakeholder to design learning experiences that model effective technology integration in developmentally appropriate ways. To achieve the goal of technology infusion, colleges and schools of education should continuously support all teacher educators’ development in technology integration competencies, provide targeted professional learning opportunities to all teacher educators on how to design learning experiences that model effective and content-specific technology integration, connect teacher candidate preparation with inservice teacher professional development for synergistic impacts, and establish ongoing and mutually beneficial partnerships with PK-12 schools. Our session will share how to design the learning experiences that model effective technology use that will contribute to building and developing technology-infused teacher preparation programs.

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Session specifications

Teacher education
Grade level:
Community college/university
Principals/head teachers, Professional developers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: iOS
Laptop: Mac
Tablet: iOS
Subject area:
Inservice teacher education, Preservice teacher education
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
  • Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.