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Digital Escape Rooms With Google Workspace

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 118A

Explore and create: Exploratory Creation lab
Preregistration Required
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Assistant Professor
Western Kentucky University
Dr. Jeremy Logsdon is an Assistant Professor in the School of Teacher Education in the Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education program. He is also the Director of the WKU Center for Literacy.
Orion Preparatory Homeschool
Tina Logsdon has a Bachelor of Science in biology, a Bachelor of Arts in music, and a Masters of Music in flute pedagogy. She is currently an adjunct instructor at Western Kentucky University and a homeschool teacher and mom to a ten year old son.

Session description

A digital escape room can be created with nothing more than access to Google Workplace. Attendees will get to experience a digital escape room as used by a homeschool teacher and student and learn how to create their own tools to use in face-to-face or hybrid classrooms.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to both demonstrate the efficacy and use of digital escape rooms, using a K12 student as a model, and teach how to quickly and efficiently design them for any grade and subject area. Participants will, using their own devices, begin building their own digital escape rooms and have the opportunity to ask questions about the challenges and fine details of the escape room creation process. These digital escape rooms can be created on any platform that allows access to the full set of Google Workspace tools. Both presenters regularly use this method, one in homeschool instruction and the other as part of teacher prep instruction at the higher education level. The student presenter will be present to demonstrate the use of digital escape rooms from the student perspective.

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I. Brief Overview of Digital Escape Room (10 minutes)

Participants will learn about the different forms that digital escape rooms can take, even within the same online platform. Brief examples of various content and grade levels will be shown to participants.

II. Student Information and Example of Using Digital Escape Room (10 minutes)

Student presenter will share his unique perspective on digital escape rooms from the student perspective, and with one of the lead presenters, will demonstrate part of how an escape room can be utilized in a classroom experience.

III. Building the Basic Infrastructure of a Digital Escape Room (30 minutes)

Participants, using their own devices, will begin to create the infrastructure of a digital escape room with Google Workspace Tools. For those who do not wish to make their own digital escape room during the session, detailed notes will be provided so that they may follow the steps on their own at a later time. One lead presenter will share information with the entire group while the other presenter will engage in peer-to-peer interaction for any specific questions during this workshop time. Although thirty minutes is not enough time necessarily to create an entire escape room, most participants will be able to create a few steps and have a solid plan for finishing their digital escape room.

IV. Q&A (10 minutes)
Presenters will answer any specific questions about tailoring their digital escape rooms to their unique classroom experiences.

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Supporting research

Buchner, J., Rüter, M., & Kerres, M. (2022). Learning with a digital escape room game: before or after instruction?. Research and practice in technology enhanced learning, 17(1), 1-16.

Danhoof, C. (2022, April 25). Using digital escape rooms to make learning fun. Edutopia.

Neumann, K. L., Alvarado-Albertorio, F., & Ramírez-Salgado, A. (2020). Online approaches for implementing a digital escape room with preservice teachers. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 415-424.

Ridgeway, N. (2020). Digital escape rooms in your classroom. Classtime blog.

Vidergor, H. E. (2021). Effects of digital escape room on gameful experience, collaboration, and motivation of elementary school students. Computers & Education, 166, 104156.

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Session specifications

Games for learning & gamification
Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: iOS, Windows, Android
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
For Students:
Digital Citizen
  • Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.