
General Policies

Event code of conduct

To give all participants the opportunity to benefit from ISTE events and activities, ISTE is committed to providing a friendly, safe, supportive and harassment-free environment for all event attendees and participants, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion or other group identity.

This code of conduct outlines the ISTE expectations for all event attendees and participants, including all members, speakers, vendors, media representatives, commentators, exhibitors, sponsors and volunteers. Cooperation is expected from everyone, and organizers will actively enforce this code throughout this event. Violations are taken seriously.

All attendees, speakers, sponsors, vendors, partners, ISTE staff and volunteers at any ISTE virtual event and any related events are required to adhere to the following Code of Conduct. Event organizers will enforce this Code throughout the event entirety.

Expected behavior

ISTE expects event attendees and participants to communicate professionally and constructively, whether in person or virtually, handling dissent or disagreement with courtesy, dignity and an open mind, being respectful when providing feedback, and being open to alternate points of view. Likewise, ISTE expects that any sharing of information about the organization or any event attendees or participants via public communication channels be shared responsibly and in a way that clearly distinguishes individual opinion from fact.

Unacceptable behavior

ISTE does not tolerate harassment of event attendees or participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal or written comments and negative behavior, either in real or virtual spaces, including those that are related to or are based upon gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion or other group identity. Harassment also includes display of sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events and unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention.

Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any ISTE event venue, including talks, workshops, social gatherings and within social media channels. Sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, media representatives, commentators and activity organizers may not use sexualized language, images, activities or other material, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.

Registration to ISTELive 22, whether in person or virtually, entitles an individual attendee access to live and archived content delivered through the event. Any attempt to share event access with others is strictly prohibited. Instances of login credentials will be monitored throughout the event and attendees may be ejected without refund if found to be in violation of this policy.

Consequences of unacceptable behavior

If an attendee or participant, in either real or virtual space, engages in inappropriate, harassing, abusive or destructive behavior or language, event organizers will determine and carry out the appropriate course of action, including warning the offender, expulsion from the event without a refund and/or banning the offender from future ISTE events and activities. All participants are expected to observe these rules and behaviors in all event venues, including online venues and conference social events. Event participants seek to learn, network and enjoy themselves in the process, free from any type of harassment. Please participate responsibly and with respect for the rights of others.

What to do

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed or have any other concerns about an individual's conduct, please report the information to an ISTE event staff member or to the Help Desk.

Additional information on ISTE’s Member Code of Conduct protocols is available at

Age Restriction

For the safety of children, no person under the age of 18 will be allowed on the exhibit hall floor at any time during move-in and move-out hours. During all active operating hours of the ISTE Conference & Expo, no one under 16 years of age will be permitted to attend sessions or visit the expo unless that person is either a student presenter or a registered attendee having purchased a registration, in either case accompanied by an adult chaperone. Strollers or infant carriers (worn or carried) are not permitted at any time in the expo hall or conference sessions. These policies are strictly enforced, apply to all exhibitors and attendees, and are without exception. ISTE reserves the right to request proof of age from anyone at any time.

This policy is in effect to address safety/liability concerns as well as to ensure the ISTE event is an exceptional professional development and learning opportunity for its attendees and participants who have a vested interest in the content and learning taking place. Additionally, as sessions are frequently at capacity, this policy helps ensure that paid attendees have access to event content to the fullest extent possible.

All participants at the conference must also follow our COVID Health and Safety Policies that requires everyone either be fully vaccinated, according to CDC definitions, or provide verification of a negative COVID test from no earlier than Saturday, June 25, 2022.

Media capture and attribution

ISTE maintains the sole right to record, stream and host all content at ISTE events, whether in person or virtually. Video and studio recording, including streaming of sessions for commercial use or outside of ISTE’s virtual platform, is strictly prohibited. Recordings will be hosted online by ISTE for six months following the event.

Presenters may share additional media and resources as part of their session or session record. These resources are provided for attendees’ personal use and are not for distribution unless the resource explicitly states that it can be broadly distributed or written permission is individually granted by the presenter. In either case, proper attribution to the original creator is required.

Video and photo consent

Registration and attendance at, or participation in, ISTE event meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement that allows ISTE to use and distribute the registrant's, attendee's and/or participant's image, name or voice in recordings, photographs, videos, websites, social media and/or print and digital collateral.

Legal notice and privacy policy

The ISTE event website host is the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The website is governed by the same rules and definitions as the main ISTE website. See ISTE's Legal Notice for details.

ISTE is sincerely committed to protecting the privacy of our membership, as well as all others who come to our website in search of educational technology resources and information. See ISTE’s Privacy Policy Notice for details.

ISTE uses a display advertising partner to collect visitor data on our site and then serve targeted display ads to you on other sites. The techniques our partners employ do not collect personal information, such as your name, email address, postal address or telephone number. Our partners use technology, such as cookies and web beacons, to collect this data. For more information or to opt-out of this type of advertising, please visit AdRoll's privacy policy.

Information sharing and data use

ISTELive 22 is an interactive experience, customized for participants by using information and preferences shared with ISTE during registration and entry into the event. As a participant experiences and moves around the event platform and digital toolset, ISTE is capturing behaviors of individual users for purposes of gamification, capacity tracking and general analytics.

In either the in person or online experience, contact information sharing with other participants (attendees, presenters, and vendor representatives) is controlled through a participant’s own preferences and interactions. Virtually, contact information may be captured for exhibitors and sponsors if a participant chooses to share it by participating in sponsored sessions or booth demos; submitting their contact information to the exhibitor at the virtual booth; engaging in direct communication with vendor representatives through the platform; scheduling exhibitor meetings; or entering official raffle opportunities, offers and games.

Other behaviors are consolidated into aggregate analytics (attendee counts without personally identifiable information) and shared with companies post-conference. Please note that if a participant chooses to engage in other activities hosted by exhibitors and sponsors outside the platform, those organizational policies apply and are not related to ISTE or its products and services.

For further information about ISTE’s organizational privacy policies agreed to upon registration and entry to the event, please visit ISTE’s privacy policy page.

Influencer disclosure

A recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruling requires that anyone who endorses a product through social media or presentations should make their relationship with the brand (“material connection”) obvious. A “material connection” to the brand includes a personal, family or employment relationship, or a financial relationship, such as the brand directly paying fees, covering travel or providing free or discounted products or services.

As part of the ISTELive 22 presenter information, a section has been added to display any relevant relationships described above.

COVID Health and Safety Policies

All attendees for the in-person portion of ISTELive 22 in New Orleans must provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test. Read all the policies here.

Don't lose your seat

Preregistration is required for select sessions. Seats not filled five minutes before the scheduled start time will be released to those waiting in the stand-by line on a first-come basis. For special events that required an additional fee, sold seats that are not filled will be released 15 minutes after the start time.

Room capacity

Standing or sitting in aisles of session rooms is not permitted. All rooms are set to the maximum number of attendees allowed per the fire marshal.

Share the grid

ISTE invests tremendously in the onsite internet and power services and our goal is to provide a positive experience for everyone at our event. You can help by being mindful of your bandwidth usage and avoiding large downloads or streaming while onsite.

Feedback on ISTE policies can be submitted to .