
8 Recommendations To Bring Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to K-12

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Experience live: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite
Watch recording: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite

Listen and learn : Ed talk

Dr. Leigh Ann DeLyser  
Computer Science (CS) education is becoming more available in K-12 institutions, and standards to complete pathways for student learning are emerging. Hear about how locally defined pathways to include artificial intelligence and data science in K-12 can be aligned to current CS efforts and national resources for implementation.

Audience: Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Curriculum/district specialists, Professional developers
Skill level: Intermediate
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Laptop: PC, Chromebook, Mac
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials: Browser
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Grade level: PK-12
Subject area: Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Engage education stakeholders in developing and adopting a shared vision for using technology to improve student success, informed by the learning sciences.
Empowering Leader
  • Support educators in using technology to advance learning that meets the diverse learning, cultural, and social-emotional needs of individual students.
Connected Learner
  • Set goals to remain current on emerging technologies for learning, innovations in pedagogy and advancements in the learning sciences.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The purpose of the presentation is to (1) educate leaders as to the integration of AI and Data Science into CS efforts; and (2) connect them with resources at the state or federal level to support implementation as needed. As a result of participating, school/district leaders should have direct next steps based on a fall 2021 release of an AI and DS report supported by the NSF and aligned to state and federal initiatives from the National AI Initiative from the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House. Success will be evidenced by the (1) self reported increase in awareness of these issues, and (2) increase of implementation over time of AI and DS infused curriculum in K-12.


Content and Activities: The presentation will begin with recommendations from the Fall 2021 report on AI and Data Science education. (15 minutes) From there, attendees will be asked to reflect on one or more of the report recommendations to identify their own strengths/resources, or areas of need (10 min, small group discussion), Small groups will share out key big ideas (15 min), Session will end with shared resources and additional vinettes from the report for attendees. (remaining time)

Supporting research

There will be an AI/DS report released in the fall of 2021 (final stages of design and writing at time of proposal) that will support the presentation.

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Dr. Leigh Ann DeLyser, CSforALL

Dr. Leigh Ann DeLyser has spent her career building the K-12 CS field. As an Executive Director of CSforALL, she oversees programs to build support for high quality CS education. A former high school and university CS educator, Leigh Ann understands challenges faced by teachers, administrators, and students developing their competency in CS and accessing high-quality learning opportunities and resources. Her influential “Running on Empty” report guides policies and research that support program implementation. She received a PhD in Computer Science and Cognitive Psychology, with a focus on CS education, from Carnegie Mellon University.

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