
STEM On a Budget

Change display time — Currently: Central Daylight Time (CDT) (Event time)
Location: La Nouvelle Ballroom, Table 18
Experience live: All-Access Package

Participate and share : Poster

Jennifer Mahin  
Learn how to incorporate innovative STEM and hands-on learning lessons into any elementary subject area for cheap! This session will provide resources and details on how you can integrate inquiry-based lessons on an elementary classroom budget.

Audience: Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices not needed
Topic: Innovation in early childhood/elementary
Grade level: PK-5
Subject area: Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
For Students:
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to show educators how you can integrate STEM learning into the classroom for cheap.

Participants will understand what materials they can use to create STEM lessons.
Participants will review examples of how to integrate STEM into any subject area.

Evidence of success will be educators integrating STEM into any K-5 subject area.


This session will use Pear Deck throughout the presentation for interactive questions and polls.

Introduction (5mins)
-Outline what STEM is and discuss why I’m passionate about STEM.
-Discuss recommended STEM materials with examples.

Materials/Funding (10 mins)
-Provide ways to fund a STEM classroom and provide a donation list example, show how I funded a STEM and maker space classroom from grant funding.

Integrating STEM into the classroom (25-30 mins)
-Provide ideas and resources for integrating STEM into Social Studies.
-Provide ideas and resources for integrating STEM into Math.
-Discuss turning any read-aloud into a STEM challenge.
-Provide book examples, and resources for various books.
-Provide examples of STEM in science.
-Examples of materials for specific projects.

Wrap Up (15 mins)
- Next Steps...
-(peer-to-peer interaction)Help educators plan their own STEM activity for a lesson they already teach.
-Provide additional resources.

Supporting research

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Jennifer Mahin, CodeHS

Jennifer Mahin is a K-5 STEM teacher and technology integration specialist at East Elementary School in Belleville, KS. Jennifer is an MIE Expert, a Flipgrid Trainer, and an Ozobot certified educator. Jennifer is a blogger who is passionate about rural education and the importance of STEM and CS in the K-5 classroom.