
Authentic Digital Leadership, Voice and Agency: For Students, By Students

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Location: Virtual
Experience live: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite
Watch recording: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite

Participate and share : Poster

Michael Drezek  
Jennifer Casa-Todd  
Madelyn Davies  
Namya Joshi  

Learn how students are creating opportunities for others to gain perspective, build relationships in a literacy-rich learning environment and experience social media as a powerful platform for learning. Ideas will be shared to empower your students to engage in a global conversation and grow as digital leaders.

Audience: Coaches, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Topic: Digital citizenship
Grade level: 6-12
ISTE Standards: For Students:
Global Collaborator
  • Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
  • Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
Digital Citizen
  • Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
Additional detail: Student presentation

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

This poster presentation will…
Help educators support students in becoming connected learners.
Demonstrate ways in which technology can be used for good with a focus on positive ways to use technology.
Inspire educators to amplify student voice and learn alongside them
Build participants' understanding of the process for bringing students around the world together to connect and learn and how any classroom can do the same.
Show successful implementation and authentic examples of this work in action.

We will begin with an introduction about the drawbacks and affordances of using social media in the classroom (5 minutes).
We will show a student-created video explaining what the Global Education student chat is. (2 minutes)
We will share the process by which students select topics and determine the questions they want to discuss (5 minutes)
Students on the team will share their experiences and thoughts on how the Global Education Student Chat has helped them collaborate with others and use social media positively and productively (15 minutes)
We will go through how to participate in the Global Education Twitter chat and highlight topics from this school year (10 minutes)
Participants can ask the students or the teacher-mentor questions. (8 minutes)

Learner outcomes
Participants will…
-learn about how social media can be used in a guided way to support student learning and literacy instruction.
-listen to the experiences of student leaders from around the world and get a better understanding of the topics that matter to them
-have a solid understanding of what digital leadership looks like in action

Supporting research

Buchholz, Beth A., Jason DeHart, and Gary Moorman. "Digital citizenship during a global pandemic: Moving beyond digital literacy." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 64.1 (2020): 11-17.

Casa-Todd, Jennifer. "Using a Social Media Account with your Class." Edutopia. April 5, 2019.

Casa-Todd, Jennifer. “A Contextual Approach to Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy, and
Student Voice.” e-Scholar@UOIT: Home, 1 Sept. 2019,

Casa-Todd, Jennifer. Amplify Student voice by connecting students to each other and the world. Treasure Mountain Canada Canadian School Libraries Research Symposium. February 1, 2020.

Cook-Sather, Alison. "Student voice across contexts: Fostering student agency in today’s schools." Theory into Practice 59.2 (2020): 182-191.

Fuller, Mila Thomas. "ISTE standards for students, digital learners, and online Learning." Handbook of Research on Digital Learning. IGI Global, 2020. 284-290.

Gleason, Benjamin, and Sam Von Gillern. "Digital citizenship with social media: Participatory practices of teaching and learning in secondary education." Journal of Educational Technology & Society 21.1 (2018): 200-212.

Krieg, Timothy R. Effective School Leadership Mentoring Characteristics in the 21 st Century: Moving Beyond Compliance and Conformity. Diss. Indiana State University, 2021.

Mitra, Dana. "Student voice in secondary schools: the possibility for deeper change." Journal of Educational Administration (2018).

Van Den Beemt, Antoine, Marieke Thurlings, and Myrthe Willems. "Towards an understanding of social media use in the classroom: a literature review." Technology, Pedagogy and Education 29.1 (2020): 35-55.

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Michael Drezek, Lake Shore Central School District

Michael serves as the District Technology Integrator for Lake Shore CSD. Prior to this, Michael spent 10 years as a Mathematics teacher and several as grade-level Team Leader. A New York STLE Grant allowed him to extend the reach of his Master's Degree in Educational Technology and in 2016 he was awarded the Lee Bryant Outstanding Teacher Award from NYSCATE. Michael helps lead the #GlobalEdSsChat and #GlobalMakerDay teams. Michael has presented regionally, nationally, and internationally and is a 2x Ignite Speaker. He is a Google Certified Innovator and Trainer, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Trainer and Apple Teacher.

Jennifer Casa-Todd, Lakehead University

Jennifer Casa-Todd is wife, mom, a Teacher-Librarian in Ontario Canada, a former Literacy Consultant, a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, and the author of the books, Social LEADia and Raising Digital Leaders, and children’s book Aubrey Bright: Stories that connect us. She is also a former ISTE Librarian PLN executive member and current GEG Ontario leader. Jennifer received the ISTE Digital Citizenship Network award in 2020. She is passionate about showing teachers and students how they can use technology and social media to make the world a better place.

Madelyn Davies, Stikine Middle School

Madelyn is an 8th Grade Student at Stikine Middle School in Wrangell, Alaska. She loves to read. The Hobbit is her favorite book. She is Tlingit (Alaska Native) and recently danced at an Alaska Native Celebration in Juneau, Alaska. She is a violin player, swimmer, and wrestler. She was born with unique medical conditions which taught her how to persevere and have empathy for others. She presented at the ASTE (Alaska Society for Technology in Education) three times and presented at ISTE in 2020 with her mother. She would like to be an Occupational Therapist when she is older.

Namya Joshi, Sat Paul Mittal School

Namya Joshi is a Grade IX student at Sat Paul Mittal School, India. She is a Minecraft Mentor. Inspired by her own motto #EachOneTeachTen, she has spent the last three years designing and delivering free of cost coding workshops for more than 10,000 teachers, young people, especially girls, in India and all over the world, She has raised awareness about the social issues using game-based learning with STEM to provide and has spoken at numerous platforms such as KEOS2019 Finland, EduDays Microsoft, UNESCO, CONVOKE, Asia Berlin Summit, Adobe Education Summit on the power of STEM and game-based learning.