
AI for Good: Exploring Ethics, Equity, & Digital Citizenship through AI Education

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Location: Virtual
Experience live: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite
Watch recording: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite

Listen and learn : Panel

Noora Aabed  
Nancye Blair Black  
Molly Dettmann  
Eamon Marchant  
Pattie Morales  

Artificial intelligence is all around us — and education leaders, teachers and students must all prepare for this AI-powered world. Learn from this esteemed panel of teachers, education leaders, and students as they share insights, approaches, and resources for successfully teaching about AI in the context of ethics, equity, and digital citizenship.

Audience: Teachers, Coaches, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Grade level: PK-12
Subject area: Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have skilled teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs.
For Educators:
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
  • Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.
Additional detail: ISTE author presentation

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

Why devote an entire session to AI and ethics, equity, and digital citizenship? Once the stuff of science fiction, AI now permeates nearly every facet of our lives, and while most of us are aware of tools like virtual assistants or AI robots, we may not be cognizant of the many ways that AI is impacting society. For example:
• People routinely rely on AI technologies—like media recommender systems—to make decisions about what shows to watch or what music to listen to.
• Personalization of AI-powered search engine results provides users with unique results based on their previous search results and web browsing behaviors, often creating information echo-chambers and spreading misinformation in the process.
• While students are using social media tools to connect with their friends, AI algorithms are silently collecting data on the profiles they view, which ads they watch, which links they click on, the amount of time they spend in the app, what time of day they use the app, and the location from which they use the app.
• Complex machine learning algorithms are being used by companies to power facial recognition, targeted advertising, or even hiring and firing decisions, often with unintended results.
These examples point out the importance of all students and educators understanding the degree to which AI is being used to influence what and how we learn, how we consume media, and how we solve problems.

Ethical AI is a shared responsibility. Students, teachers, users, programmers, investors, regulators, and others all play a role in determining the future of AI technology development and use. Dr. Melvin Kranzberg, a professor of the history of technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology, stated that “technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.” Keeping this statement in mind, this session asks educators to think critically about the impact AI has on society and education. They will consider the tradeoffs (both good and bad) of various AI innovations and will consider ways that biases and negative impacts in AI might be identified and mitigated. They will think about the impact of teaching about AI and using AI instructional tools on equitable education, especially those who have been traditionally marginalized by technology or underrepresented in STEM fields. Educators will understand and think about how to teach students that while they might use AI to improve efficiency or accuracy of one task, at the same time they may be asked to give away personal data, civil rights, or personal freedoms in return. Finally, educators will consider how AI education relates to fundamental ideas of digital citizenship, understanding its relationship to online safety, balanced living, and a responsibility to promoting social good.


This session will feature an innovative and interactive approach to a virtual panel, giving both panelists and attendees the opportunity to interact and respond to with various AI scenarios and activities. While the moderator and panelists demonstrate and discuss on screen, attendees also have the opportunity to share their own insights, observations, and questions in a moderated chat.
1. Getting Started: Introduction of panelists & welcome from the ISTE-GM team
2. Take a Closer Look: Panelists discuss why AI education is important and share strategies for implementing AI education in the context of ethics, equity, and digital citizenship.
3. Culminating Performances: Audience Q&A, Final thoughts from panelists, and Resource share.

Supporting research

The Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom series by Nancye Blair Black and Susan Brooks-Young:

EdSurge's AI is for Everyone, Everywhere microsite:

Teaching AI by Michelle Zimmerman:

More [+]


Noora Aabed, STEM Impressionists

Noora Aabed is a 19-year-old college freshman and an active member of the STEM Impressionists Program (SIP). At this intergenerational organization, Noora and the members of SIP carry out their mission to support minority students, especially Black and Brown girls, in STEM. Together, with sustained mentorship, SIP members have taught classes directly to students, spoken to educators at national conferences, and created inclusive lesson plans that are available to the public. Noora looks forward to offering educators a unique perspective on the importance of covering ethics and having real conversations with students about current affairs at ISTELive 2022.

Nancye Blair Black, The Block Uncarved
ISTE Certified Educator

Nancye Blair Black is an ISTE-certified educator, speaker, and consultant who cultivates dignity-driven instructional practices that empower educators, leaders, and students to succeed. Nancye is the author of nationally-implemented computer science curricula and several books, including Tablets in K-12 Education and the Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom series. She is ISTE's AI Explorations Project Lead, ProjectSTEM's Director of Innovation, and a TC Games Research Lab leader. She's completing her doctoral degree in Instructional Technology at TC Columbia University. Talk to her about equity, AI, ISTE Cert, unique educational experiences, anything you're passionate about! @NancyeBlackEdu.

Molly Dettmann, Norman Public Schools

Molly Dettmann began her library career in public libraries for 4 years before switching to schools during the 2018-2019 school year. She was named the 2021 Oklahoma School Librarians Technology in Education Award winner, 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year for Norman North High School, and a 2022 finalist for Norman Public Schools Teacher of the Year.

Eamon Marchant, Whitney High School

Eamon Marchant is a Teacher, Technology Coordinator, and Science Department Chair at Whitney High School in Cerritos, California. He has taught Game Design, AVID/Advisory, Integrated Science, and Robotics and currently teaches AP CompSci Principles and Physics. He is passionate about making the latest, most relevant developments in STEM engaging, accessible, and equitable.

Pattie Morales, Indian Community School

Pattie Morales is a technology innovation expert with over sixteen years of experience in education. In her current role as Instructional Technology Specialist, Pattie works with school administrators, instructional staff, and students to create engaging and authentic learning experiences that leverage technology while supporting learning objectives. As a Future Ready Team leader, Pattie is passionate about empowering teachers to take the lead. Pattie is a Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from UW-Milwaukee, and Master’s Degrees in K-12 Special Education and Learning and Technology from Western Governors University.