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Location: Room 291-2
Experience live: All-Access Package
Watch recording: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package

Participate and share : Interactive session

Italy Wallace  
This session is for Instructional Coaches that want to build authentic relationships with teachers, create and implement structures that ensure an effective coaching process all the while integrating technology. Coaches will leave with “tried and true” tools that they can implement today, tomorrow and beyond. Happy Coaching!!!

Audience: Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Coaches, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: iOS, Windows, Android
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials: Google Drive
Topic: Coaching & mentoring
Grade level: PK-12
ISTE Standards: For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Recognize educators across the organization who use technology effectively to enable high-impact teaching and learning.
  • Connect leaders, educators, instructional support, technical support, domain experts and solution providers to maximize the potential of technology for learning.
  • Partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

Create, implement and sustain a culture of coaching through relationship building
Boost morale and transform overwhelmed coaches who are in need of support and direction
Create a space where coaches (locally and globally) can share ideas and brainstorm during and beyond ISTE
Introduce a coach process that integrates technology in a way that is not overbearing yet continues the momentum the Pandemic has afforded us
Introduce and implement ways to integrate tech and innovation into a more traditional coaching models.


(5 minutes) Talk a pulse of the audience (ie. years of teaching, years of coaching, level of coaching confidence.
(5-7 minutes) Get to know your teachers
(5-7 minutes) Build Relationships
(5-7 minutes) How, what and how often to communicate
(5-7 minutes) Promoting coaching
(5-7 minutes) Getting organized as a coach
(5-7 minutes) Branding yourself as coach and social media
All the while integrating technology.

Supporting research

Elena Aguilar's - Art of coaching
Elena Aguilar's - Mind the gaps
Elena Aguilars Bright Morning Star Site
Evidence of Practice: Playbook for Video-Powered Professional Learning (Jim Knight)
21 Lessons of Tech Integration Coaching (Martine Brown)

More [+]


Italy Wallace, Lincolnshshire-Prairie View School Dist.

Ms. Wallace is a Technology Coach in Lake County Illinois. She has spent 14 years serving students of varying backgrounds, Diverse learning skills and demographics. In addition she works for Roosevelt University as an adjunct professor where she supports teachers on their leadership track. A graduate of Concordia University Chicago, Ms. Wallace received her Masters Degree in School Leadership. Her Undergraduate degree is from The University of St. Francis where she attained her Elementary Degree with various endorsements. Ms. Wallace is committed to both increasing teacher and student tech literacy and ensuring a healthy Digital Ecosystem for all learners.

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