Infusing ISTE Standards in Preservice Education: Prototyping Activities of Competency-Based Assessments |
Listen and learn : Snapshot
Dr. Richard Carter Dr. Mia Kim Williams Dr. Ling Zhang
Explore a standards crosswalk database that includes 16 specialized professional association standards (SPAs) and high leverage practices. Arrays of standards provide guidance on designing technology use competency. Teams of attendees can construct novel competency-based assessments to be used in educator preparation programs.
Audience: | Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty, Technology coordinators/facilitators |
Skill level: | Beginner |
Attendee devices: | Devices useful |
Attendee device specification: | Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows Laptop: Mac, PC, Chromebook Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows |
Topic: | Teacher education |
Grade level: | Community college/university |
ISTE Standards: | For Educators: Analyst
This interactive session is organized to engage participants in conversation and design exercises around how the ISTE Standards for Educators infuse with other standards sets and their associated implications for Educator Preparation Programs (EPP).
Presenters will share a standards database that can be used to provide guidance on designing technology use competency in teacher preparation programs. Starting in 2019, teacher educators from the University of Wyoming and the University of Kansas began designing a database that aligned professional standards for leaders, teachers, and other stakeholders across multiple facets, such as INTaSC Standard, Specialized Professional Association Standards, and ISTE Standards. This database provides a tool for faculty to co-construct educational experiences for pre-service teachers. In addition, this database incorporates multiple aspects of the teaching profession such as High Leverage Practices (HLP), teacher evaluation frameworks, and professional development for in-service teachers.
Participants attending this session will gain an understanding of how this database helps align ISTE Standards for Educators with other teacher preparation standards and high-leverage practices. During the session, the team will show the database consisting of 4,128 items. In addition, the team will discuss themes (built in the Flowmapp) emerging from the database regarding how technology integration and use are positioned in professional standards and practices. Using the database and arrays, participants will be provided opportunities to discuss, design, and prototype competency-based assessments for pre-service teachers based on the needs of their teacher preparation programs.
Opening Question (5-10 minutes)
-Participants engage in brief small group sketch note conversations around question prompt; materials will be provided for sketch noting or participants can use their own digital devices.
-Optional share out
Description and Demonstration of standards database and themes (15-20 minutes)
-Demonstration of Database
-Presentation of Technology Standards
-Discussion of themes associated with the ISTE Standards for Educators
Participant Design Exercise (30 minutes)
Participants divide into teams. Each team would work with one standards array and specific theme to create a prototype of an associated competency based assessment. Each team would creatively approach the task keeping in mind desirability, viability, and feasibility of their ideas for integration into an EPP.
-Activities include:
--Exploring and discussing the standards array and theme
--Establishing and documenting common understandings of its connection in educator preparation
--Rapid prototyping of competency based assessment
--Sharing and feedback with other teams
Wrap-up (5 minutes)
Baek, E. O., & Sung, Y. H. (2020). Pre-service teachers’ perception of technology competencies based on the new ISTE technology standards. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 37(1), 48-64.
Bucci, T. T., Cherup, S., Cunningham, A., & Petrosino, A. J. (2003). ISTE standards in teacher education: A collection of practical examples. The Teacher Educator, 39(2), 95-114.
Dondlinger, M. J., McLeod, J., & Vasinda, S. (2016). Essential conditions for technology-supported, student-centered learning: an analysis of student experiences with math out loud using the ISTE standards for students. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 48(4), 258-273.
Trust, T. (2018). 2017 ISTE standards for educators: from teaching with technology to using technology to empower learners.
Richard Allend Carter, Jr. is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, and Design (CLAD) at the University of Wyoming. His current research focuses on the implementation of self-regulation practices for students with disabilities in both fully online and blended learning environments. In addition, Carter is part of a team that is investigating the role of Voice User Interface in delivering instruction to multiple stakeholder groups in novel learning settings.
Mia Kim Williams, PhD is an Assistant Professor and Doctoral Program Coordinator in Learning, Design, and Technology at the University of Wyoming. Known for her work in innovative and critical pedagogy, Mia works with practicing and preservice teachers as well as doctoral students interested in promoting change in a variety of educational contexts. Mia's current research projects include using game design as a critical pedagogy and designing transformative digital learning spaces to promote active learning. She is an ISTE Community Leader and past Board Member. Mia worked previously as a classroom teacher of high school English and earth science.
Ling Zhang, Ph.D., is an associate researcher at the Center for Research on Learning (CRL) and Center for Innovation, Design, and Digital Learning (CIDDL) at the University of Kansas. Ling’s current research focuses on the design, implementation, and measurement of personalized learning that supports learner variability through the lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
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