
Preparing for the Future of Work Through the Islands’ Robotics Pipeline

Change display time — Currently: Central Daylight Time (CDT) (Event time)
Location: La Nouvelle Ballroom, Table 2
Experience live: All-Access Package

Participate and share : Poster

Adria Fung  
Discover how Hawaii is preparing students for tomorrow’s technical workforce through a K-12 robotics pipeline. Explore how this pipeline has created a dynamic talent pool in Hawaii, and developed students with the skills for the future. Learn where Hawaii alumni are contributing to today’s workforce.

Audience: Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices not needed
Topic: Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level: PK-12
Subject area: Career and technical education, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Educators:
  • Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
For Students:
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
  • Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
Related exhibitors:
VEX Robotics, Inc.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

Participants will learn how Hawaii has developed an educational pipeline for students through robotics. The Hawaii Space Grant Consortium recognized a need to prepare students for a technical workforce and equip them with life skills to prepare them for a dynamic environment. They will explore the various robotics platforms used in the K-12 scholastic robotics programs to connect students with opportunities to apply STEM in project-based challenges. Participants will also discover how Hawaii robotics alumni have been contributing to today's workforce, both in Hawaii and globally. For example, some alumni have pursued degrees in engineering and currently working in careers at Hawaiian Electric, Hawaii Space Flight Lab, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyards, Raytheon, and BAE Systems.

Supporting research

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Adria Fung, Hawaii Space Grant Consortium

Adria Fung is the robotics education specialist at the Hawaii Space Grant Consortium at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Prior to joining HSGC, she was a teacher and coach of the middle school robotics program at Saint Louis School, in Honolulu for 4 years. Her team is an internationally recognized team, having won the Excellence Awards at 3 Signature Events including the Asia-Pacific Championships and the Pan Pacific Championships. She received her Bachelor's degree in Robotics Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a Master's of Education in Curriculum Studies: STEMS^2 from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.