Preparing Our Next Generation of Teachers |
Participate and share : Poster
Dr. Debbie Heroman
This session will examine and discuss with the participants new instructional strategies and formats for teaching future teachers and practicing classroom educators.
Audience: | Professional developers, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty |
Skill level: | Beginner |
Attendee devices: | Devices not needed |
Participant accounts, software and other materials: | Google applications - Chrome, Drive, docs, sites, youtube, and drive. |
Topic: | Teacher education |
Grade level: | PK-12 |
ISTE Standards: | For Educators: Learner
The purpose of this poster presentation is to demonstrate current methods of teaching technology in education to pre-service and graduate students in a state university teacher education program.
The participants will be able to identify the technology in education model of instruction used in the technology in education teacher education courses.
The participants will be able to apply the methods of instruction to their personal teaching position after attending the poster session.
The presenter will demonstrate the final outcome of the teacher education candidates' cumulative project and website.
The project includes creating a google site to serve as a portfolio of the teacher's projects and information to integrate into their teaching and learning.
- The site will provide opportunities for students to produce creative and higher level thinking projects on the required site pages and topics - to include:
Document creation of reflections on various topics of educational technology inserted in a table on a required page in the site.
Digital stories and video presentations embedded in site, curation of resources and personal choices for teaching using wakelet and other bookmarking applications.
Information shared among the students using a class wiki.
Development of instructional mobile apps and their use.
Communication tools including screencasting , flipgrid and blog.
In this session I will display several student website portfolios that have successfully been completed for participants to view and discuss..
Participants will leave with examples of student created final website projects.
Soner Mehmet Özdemir, Mustafa Ceylan2 and Serap Nur Canoğlu3. - 2013. To What Extent Can Pre-service Teachers Turn Theoretical Knowledge
They Have Acquired into Practice? International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.
Debbie Heroman, PhD teaches Technology in Education courses in the LSU School of Education for pre-service teachers and graduate students. She was an elementary teacher before her career teaching at LSU. Debbie has been teaching at LSU for over forty years and her focus has been on educational technology for the past twenty five years. She hopes to continue to collaborate with other educators about their instructional strategies for teaching and learning with educational technology.