
Analyzing Student Data With Google Sheets

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Location: Room 263
Experience live: All-Access Package
Watch recording: All-Access Package Year-Round PD Package Virtual Lite

Listen and learn : Ed talk: Hosted activity

Eric Curts  
Hosted by Google, Inc.. Google Sheets can be a powerful way to analyze your students' data, look for patterns and trends, and identify student strengths and weaknesses. Take the mystery out of Sheets and gain insight about your students with features including sorting, filtering, formulas, sparklines, charts and graphs, conditional formatting, pivot tables, and more.

Audience: Coaches, Teachers, Curriculum/district specialists
Topic: Online tools, apps & resources
Grade level: PK-12


Eric Curts, Stark Portage Area Computer Consortium

Eric Curts is a veteran educator who currently serves as a Technology Integration Specialist for the Stark County Educational Service Center in Ohio where he oversees Google for Education implementation, training, and support, as well as other technology integration initiatives. Eric is an authorized Google for Education Trainer and Innovator, and provides training to schools, organizations, and conferences across the country. Eric runs the award-winning blog where all of his edtech resources can be found, and is the author of the book "Control Alt Achieve: Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects".

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